Welcome to From Pigpen To Paradise! My name is Angie and I'm a stay at home mom of three little boys, ages 4, 2 & 1. They keep me on my toes and picking up after them through out the day. Between me and the boys, we are always looking for new products to try and review. Whether it's a new toy, infant/toddler gear, food or even organization gear for homes and cars.
I love anything that makes life easier. My oldest son, Tristan loves playing the Wii, Nintendo DS, outdoor playing, and swimming! My middle son, Brayden loves matchbox cars, watching movies, outdoor playing and Spongebob. My littlest, Jayden just loves to run and play. He also is very willing to try new foods, which I love!

From Pigpen To Paradise was started to get myself motivated to housework. I want to be organized and help others too. By having an organized clean home, we can do so much more in our daily life. Spend more time with our family, save time, save money and less stress.
I am looking to work with PR companies and to build a long lasting relationship with them. I am
interested in product reviews and giveaways. Contact me at mycatslove(at)usa(dot)come.
If you're interested in getting known to PR check out
Feels Like Home &
Adrienna's House for more information!
Hi Angie. I enjoyed reading about you and your blog. I also linked up to Tara's spotlight post. Should be interesting to see if anything comes of it. Again, enjoyed reading your post and seeing your blog.