Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Flylady Babysteps - Day 18 & 19

Do you ever feel so overwhelm that it just knocks you out? This is what has happen to me. As many of you know, I have multiple blogs, and it can become a big weigh on you when you need to stay on top of them daily, and if you don't, you feel the need to catch up but can't...oh oh, I'm getting knocked out again just thinking about it *thump*.

Ok, I'm back, and my current knock out has definitely convinced me to just concentrate on three of my blogs. Though three may still be a lot, but my, Angie Is Living and My Weight Loss Progress blogs only need to be worked on 2-3 times a week. As for this blog, this is my number 1 priority. By working on this blog, will help keep control of my household chaos.

Now, back to my Flylady Babysteps. Day 18

I actually have a copy of this in my control journal, which I reread.
You can get a copy too here.

Day 19

I love this testimonial that Flylady had us read. I really would love to have my own B&B. You can read this testimonial too here.

My Routines:

Morning Routine

- Get up and get dressed to lace up shoes; fixing your hair and face
- Looking at your posted reminders in the kitchen and bathroom
- Reading 2 minutes of reminders
- Recognizing the negative voices and changing them;
- Put out your Hot Spots for 2 minutes
- 5 Minute Room Rescue (pick any room in the house) set your timer and go!
- 15 Minutes Decluttering each day. You can’t Organize Clutter!
- Kelly's Mission
- Make My Bed
- Read An Email From Flylady

Before Bed Routine

- Keep your sink shining
- Lay out your clothes for tomorrow
- Put out your Hot Spot
- Go to bed at a descent hour

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