Sunday, July 7, 2013

Setting Goals: Organizing Your Mind

It's been awhile since I've wrote on my blog.  My home is not paradise yet, so I need to keep up with it.  For  the next chapter in my life, I will be following the book, "Organize Now".  I really need to get a grip on my clutter and unorganized areas in my home and life.

So to start, this week I will be Organizing my mind.  Join me if you'd like by following my daily posts and/or grab a copy of  Jennifer Ford Berry's book Organize Now!

My goals for this week:

1.  Get at least 7 hours of sleep.  (I already do this, so not a problem)
2.  Start everyday with a short to-do list.
3.  Start a journal.  Well, this will be my blog.
4.  Limit the amount of television you watch.  TV is not a problem for me, it's the computer, so that will be my goal.
5.  Schedule a 2 minute break 2-3 times a day alone.  Hmmm, this is going to be a challenge.
6.  Practice Meditating
7.  Exercise
8.  Schedule more "Me Time"
9.  Eliminate energy drainers.
10.  Take control of your time.

Let's see how this will go!

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